Subscription policy

Our subscription policy is described below.You must accept it if you want to use our platform.

LAST UPDATED: 03 October 2023

Our service is proposed in the form of a monthly subscription


How to subscribe to the Services

1.1 - Account creation

1.1.1 - The customer must create an account on the website so that you can subscribe to the services.The creation of the account implies the acceptance of CGS, the subscription policy and the Privacy Policy.

To create an Account, the Customer must provide the Company with the information requested and required for identification.

Among the personal information, the Customer provides in particular a single valid and functional email address that can be used as an identifier of his account and is in operating state, for the customer to make, if applicable, any modificationin use of the said email address.

The Customer guarantees the accuracy, sincerity and reliability of the information entered in his account, including his customer quality, and undertakes to keep them up to date and as soon as possible.

Consequently, the company cannot be held responsible for the lack of diligence of the customer in the modification and/or updating of information concerning him.

In the event of erroneous or deceptive information, the Company reserves the right (i) to suspend or break any contractual relationship with the customer (ii) and/or suspend access from the latter to his account.

1.1.2 - The Account will be created automatically and definitively once the trial offer has been paid for.

Customers must identify themselves the first time by clicking on my account, entering their email address and setting a password. The customer can ask to change their password by using the "lost password" function.

These elements are strictly personal: the customer undertakes to keep them confidential and not to transmit them to third parties.

The customer and its users are solely authorized to access and use the account using the identifier and password.Any access to the account with the customer's identifier and password is automatically deemed to have been carried out by the latter and under his responsibility.

Consequently, in the event of loss, theft or any fraudulent act with regard to the customer's identifier and password, it is up to the customer to inform the Company as soon as possible and, if necessary, to therequest from the company, to justify on this occasion of its identity by all means.

On receipt of a duly justified notification, the Company will send the Customer a new identifier and password, which the Customer is responsible for keeping strictly confidential.

1.2 - subscription to the subscription

Subscription to the subscription provides access to professional services.Subscription to the subscription is made from the account by completing the information requested on the dedicated page of the website.

The pro subscription is designed for professionals but is also accessible to individuals.

Failure to comply with all or part of the obligations taken out under these CGS, and in particular concerning any payment incident of the subscription price, may lead to the right for the company to suspend the account and/or to refuse to the'Subscribed any new subscription to the subscription to the regularization of its situation.

Once the subscription to the subscription has been settled and finalized, a written confirmation is sent to the subscriber by email, summarizing the subscription subscribed, the price and the terms of use of the services pro the case.

1.3 - Duration - Recovery - Subscription termination <

The subscription is subscribed for a fixed period of one month from the confirmation by the Subscription Payment Company, renewable by tacit renewal for an identical period, except termination by the Subscriber and/or the Company to everythingmoment under the conditions of this article.

In the presence of a test offer, the pro services are subscribed for a fixed period as indicated in the said test offer, then, in the absence of termination within the required deadlines with regard to the said test offer, fora period of one month.

The company may terminate the subscription by email.

To terminate the subscription, the subscriber can (i) connect to his account and select the "unsubscribe" section;Write by email to the contact address subject to contacting us from the email address recorded on his account.

The subscriber is informed that his request for termination will take effect from the month following the request, any period of subscription started being due.

1.4 - Price - payment methods of the subscription

The prices indicated on the website are expressed in euros, all taxes included, for flat -rate access to the pro services and for the duration indicated in article 6.

Prices can be subject to any modifications by the company at any time: the applicable prices are those in force and accessible on the website on the subscription date of the subscription.

The regulations of pro services are carried out by bank card exclusively.

1.5 - Right of withdrawal applicable to the subscriber

In accordance with article L. 221-28 of the consumer code, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for

  • (i) contracts for the provision of services fully executed before the end of the withdrawal period and whose execution began after express prior agreement of the consumer customer and express renunciation of his right of withdrawal and
  • (ii) contracts for the supply of products made to the consumer customer's specifications or clearly personalised.

In addition, in accordance with article L.221-25 of the Consumer Code, the consumer customer who exercises his right of withdrawal of a service contract with which the execution began, at his express request, before theEnd of the withdrawal period, remains the amount corresponding to the service provided until the communication of its decision to retract.

Access to services being fully acquired upon subscription, and the subscriber having agreed to give up his withdrawal period to access it immediately, the price of the current month is fully due.

Pursuant to articles 1365 and following of the Civil Code, the subscriber recognizes and accepts that the information issued by the Company by email and on the account (excluding as the need for content) are proof of between them and theCompany.

The elements such as the time of receipt or emission, as well as the quality of the data received will be faithful as a priority as appearing on the account, or as authenticated by the Company's computerized procedures, exceptthe written proof and contrary by the subscriber.

The scope of proof of the information thus issued by the account (excluding as a need for content) is that granted to an original within the meaning of a paper written document, signed in a handwritten manner.

1.6 - Full GSC

These GCS express the entirety of the obligations of the Company and the Subscriber. The fact that one of the parties does not take advantage of a breach by the other party of any of the obligations referred to herein shall not be interpreted for the future as a waiver of the obligation in question.

1.7 - Partial invalidity

In the event that one or more stipulations of these GCS are considered null and void, deemed unwritten or declared as such in application of a law, a regulation or following a decision of a competent court with final authority, the other stipulations will retain all their force and scope and will remain fully applicable, unless the invalid stipulation(s) were of a substantial nature and their disappearance would call into question the contractual balance.

1.8 - Titles

In the event of difficulties of interpretation between one of the headings appearing at the top of the clauses of these GTS and one of the clauses, the headings will be declared non-existent.



For any complaint of a technical nature or relating to the operation of the Website and/or Services, the Subscriber is invited to send a request by e-mail or by post to the Company's address.

Claims must be lodged within twelve (12) months, failing which they will become time-barred and void.


Applicable law and settlement of disputes

These GTCS are governed by English law.

In the event of a dispute likely to occur in relation to these CGS, their interpretation and their consequences or with the acts supplementing or modifying them, the subscriber will add to the company to obtain an amicable solution.

Failing amicable settlement, to the extent permitted by law, either party may bring its claim before the competent court in London.